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  • Fair Housing Disclaimer | Hugo A. Castaneda

    Fair Housing Statement Hugo A. Castaneda and its responsible broker/broker of record Central Coast Sotheby's International Realty fully support the principles of the Fair Housing Act (Title VIII of the Civil Rights Act of 1968), as amended, which generally prohibits discrimination in the sale, rental, and financing of dwellings, and in other housing-related transactions, based on race, color, national origin, religion, sex, familial status (including children under the age of 18 living with parents of legal custodians, pregnant women, and people securing custody of children under the age of 18), and handicap (disability). In addition, each and every Sotheby's International Realty franchised office is contractually required to comply, in all respects, with all laws, rules and regulations applicable to the real estate industry, including without limitation, the requirements imposed by the Fair Housing Act. As an adjunct to the foregoing commitment, both Hugo A. Castaneda and Central Coast Sotheby's International Realty actively promote, and are committed to, creating and fostering an environment of diversity throughout their respective organizations and franchise systems, and each views such a concept as a critical component to the on-going success of their business operations. ​ Copyright © 2024 Castaneda Corporation, Hugo Castaneda, Barnes & Associates Realty dba Central Coast Sotheby's International Realty. All Rights Reserved. Sotheby's International Realty Affiliates© is a registered trademark licensed to Sotheby's International Realty Affiliates LLC. An Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Each Office Is Independently Owned. Information appearing on this site has been produced by or obtained primarily from Hugo A. Castaneda, The Castaneda Corporation and its broker Central Coast Sotheby's International Realty. Sotheby's International Realty Affiliates LLC. is not responsible for the accuracy or completeness of the broker information, sales associate information, listing information or other information provided by our franchisees appearing on or through this site. Such information has been provided by independent third parties who are solely responsible for such content. Please also see the Property Information Disclaimer on the appropriate pages. ​ The listing information set forth on this site is based upon information which we consider reliable, but because it has been supplied by third parties to our franchisees (who in turn supplied it to us), we cannot represent that it is accurate or complete, and it should not be relied upon as such. The offerings are subject to errors, omissions, changes, including price and currency conversions, or withdrawal without notice. All dimensions are approximate and have not been verified by the selling party and cannot be verified by Hugo A. Castaneda. It is recommended that you hire a professional in the business of determining dimensions, such as an appraiser, architect or civil engineer, to determine such information.

  • Privacy Policy | Hugo A. Castaneda

    política de privacidad Balcazar-Castaneda, Inc. Última actualización o 9 de abril de 2 023. ​ Proteger su información privada es nuestra prioridad. Esta Declaración de privacidad se aplica a https://www, Hugo Pinon, Balcazar-Castaneda, Inc., rige la recopilación y el uso de datos. A los efectos de esta Política de privacidad, a menos que se indique lo contrario, todas las referencias a Balcazar-Castaneda, Inc., incluido . El sitio web de Balcazar-Castaneda, Inc. es un portafolio y un sitio promocional para un vendedor de bienes raíces con licencia de California. Al utilizar el sitio web Balcazar-Castaneda, Inc., usted autoriza la utilización de los datos descritos en esta norma. Hugo A. Pinon, director ejecutivo de Balcazar-Castaneda, Inc. es vendedor de bienes raíces. CA DRE #02210169 Recopilación de su información personal Para brindarle mejor los servicios ofrecidos en nuestro sitio, Balcazar-Castaneda, Inc. puede recopilar información de identificación personal, como su: Nombre y apellido Dirección de correo electrónico Número de teléfono No recopilamos ninguna información personal sobre usted a menos que nos la proporcione voluntariamente. Sin embargo, es posible que deba proporcionarnos cierta información personal cuando elija usar ciertos servicios disponibles en el Sitio. Estos pueden incluir: (a) registrarse para obtener una cuenta en nuestro sitio; (b) participar en un sorteo o concurso patrocinado por nosotros o uno de nuestros socios; (c) suscribirse a ofertas especiales de terceros seleccionados; (d) enviándonos un mensaje de correo electrónico; (e) enviar su tarjeta de crédito u otra información de pago al ordenar y comprar productos y servicios en nuestro Sitio. 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  • Buying | Hugo A. Castaneda

    Compra Conmigo! ¡Comprar una casa puede parecer desalentador, aterrador, divertido, emocionante y estresante a la vez! Ya sea que compre una vivienda por primera vez o esté buscando una vivienda secundaria, el proceso siempre presenta un nuevo desafío. Como agente de Sotheby's International Realty, estoy preparado para ayudar a mis compradores de viviendas con todos sus problemas y necesidades; mientras celebramos nuestras victorias al mismo tiempo! Todos tenemos preguntas candentes, pero durante una de las transacciones más importantes de nuestras vidas, ¡queremos las respuestas y rápido! Me esfuerzo por brindarle respuestas honestas y oportunas para garantizar que se satisfagan sus necesidades como comprador de vivienda. Contácteme hoy y analicemos este proceso juntos; para que pueda concentrarse en las partes divertidas y emocionantes de la compra de una vivienda. ¡Llama a Hugo hoy! ¡Cuéntame un poco sobre lo que estás buscando! Nombre de pila Apellido Dirección de correo electrónico Número de teléfono Dormitorios Mínimos Baños Mínimos Rango de precios Breve descripción de tu casa ideal. Incluir Ciudad. Comodidades Almacenamiento Lavadora secadora Luz natural Cuarto de lavado Techos altos Entregar Gracias por enviar, me pondré en contacto pronto!

  • Hugo Castañeda | Sotheby's International Realty

    Nada Comparar About Hugo Hugo Castaneda, a local real estate and economic development professional, brings his knowledge from his tenure at both a regional chamber of commerce and a federally chartered business development organization. His diverse background uniquely positions him as an adept sales associate. Biografía Real Estate Professional The Luxury of Possibility Wrapped in 180-degree protected ocean views, surrounded by pristine state park lands, the Retreat at Cambria is a supremely private, gated 78-acre coastal sanctuary offering unrivaled relaxation and recreational opportunities. Gently rolling vineyards, sprawling acres of equestrian and open space, and tranquil pine-studded woods are only the beginning. We invite you to experience the luxury service that Central Coast Sotheby's has to offer. Sotheby's Auction VIEW TRABAJANDO CON HUGO Conexión ¡Nuestras prestigiosas conexiones globales con Sotheby's International Realty aseguran que usted obtenga acceso al mejor servicio, en cada punto de precio! Honestidad Me aseguro de promover la honestidad y la integridad como una práctica común en el sector inmobiliario. ¡Hacerlo asegura que mis clientes tendrán una experiencia más satisfactoria! Detalles Los detalles importan. Es por eso que tomo todas las medidas posibles para garantizar que toda la información importante se le transmita de manera organizada y de manera profesional. ABOUT THE BRAND 1,115 OFFICES WORLDWIDE 84 COUNTRIES & TERRITORIES 26,500 SALES ASSOCIATES Suscríbete a mi boletín Introduzca su correo electrónico aquí Inscribirse ¡Gracias por enviar!

  • Property Management | Hugo A. Castaneda

    Property Management Hiring a property manager streamlines your landlord experience. I handle tenant matters, lease agreements, maintenance, and rent collection. You save time, ensure proper care of your property, and benefit from my professional knowledge of market trends and regulations. It's like having a skilled captain navigating the complexities of property management for you! Let's Talk Prop Mngmt! WHAT IS INCLUDED IN PROPERTY MANAGEMENT Applications & Screening Inspection & Maintenance Advertising Owner Reports BENEFITS OF A PROFESSIONAL Customer-Service Driven 24/7 On-Call Support Bilingual Advanced Technologies Grow Your Business Now! Like any business, you turn to a trusted advisor to grow it! Why not do the same with your rental? It's a business after all. Let's see connect to see how I can help your business expand. CONTACT HUGO NOTICE I'm currently only providing property management services in the cities listed below. If you have questions or concerns, please feel free to call me and we can discuss any questions you many have. My brokerage has other PM's to help! Santa Maria • Orcutt • Nipomo • Arroyo Grande • Grover Beach • Oceano • Pismo Beach Locations at Shell Beach and above or below Orcutt require a consultation or referral to an different property manger.

  • About | Hugo Castaneda

    Hugo A. Castañeda REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL SEND MESSAGE Local Expert. Global Connections. Hugo is a native to the Central Coast. Having grown-up and worked in San Luis Obispo County, Hugo has a true passion for the central coast lifestyle, enjoying everything from our sandy beaches to adventurous hiking trails. Hugo is a member of Central Coast Sotheby's International Realty. Having a proven track record for premier luxury service, professionalism, and expertise; Hugo is proud to be working with the Central Coast Sotheby's International Realty group. Hugo’s biggest objective is to ensure every client receives a luxury service while being met with professionalism, benevolence and integrity. He is certified by the Residential Real Estate Council in luxury homes sales and maintains a membership with the Association of Realtors as dedicate real estate professional. ​ Hugo’s has been involved in several different industries. He is the owner of HBCC Digital Solutions, a digital marketing agency focused on aiding mental healthcare providers. In addition, he founded Council on Adolescent Mental Health, Inc., a behavioral health nonprofit agency focused on aiding the youth mental health crisis on the central coast. He served as the executive director before accepting a position at South County Chambers of Commerce as the chamber's membership manager. While working at South County Chambers, Hugo studied for his real estate license at Santa Barbara City College and obtained his license in early 2023. In addition, he was responsible for the pilot of student business services internships structured for high school students in partnership with the San Luis Obispo County Office of Education. Shortly after, he was tasked with leading county workforce development efforts. After his departure from the chamber of commerce, Hugo joined MCSC's Women's Business Center in San Luis Obispo. There, he was responsible for all of the Spanish Language programming for both San Luis Obispo and Monterey Counties. Looking to aid those in need of employment in a social services format, Hugo shifted his efforts to career services and accepted a position at Eckerd Connects. He teaches career readiness, financial literacy and job preparation. Hugo dedicates his time to real estate and serving his clients to the best of his ability. He takes time to seek the strategic guidance of his peers in the profession, always growing his learning to better serve his clients. ​ Hugo is dedicated to his community and strives to promote volunteerism. He serves as the Chairman of the Board of Directors for Council on Adolescent Mental Health Corporation, a Committee Member for Fashions For A Purpose 2023 (A subsidiary of The Mary Kay Foundation), and a Committee Member for the South County Chambers of Commerce. He also servers as a Board Member for the County of San Luis Obispo Behavioral Health Board (a division of the County Health Department). He is committed to the success of his clients and is confident his extensive background in the business services industry will provide his clients with the proper guidance they need. ​ CONTACT direct 805.668.4399 office 805.927.1200 LANGUAGES English and Spanish LOCAL OFFICE Central Coast Sotheby's International Realty 734 Main Street, Suite C Cambria, CA 93428 TOOLS Property search tool Download my app R E S I D E EDUCATION Human Resources Management - Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, AZ Business Administration - Allan Hancock College, Santa Maria, CA Real Estate - Santa Barbara City College, Santa Barbara, CA IDENTIFICATION DRE 02210169 | NMLS 2464869 Licensed by the California Department of Real Estate. Areas of Speciality 01. Luxury Residential 02. Seniors (55+) 03. Rental Properties Second Home 04. First-Time Buyers & Recent College Grads 05. Spanish Speakers Servicios en español

  • Selling | Hugo A. Castaneda

    ¡Vende Conmigo! Vender una casa implica muchos procesos diferentes. Estaré allí para representarlo y negociar en su nombre cuando surjan problemas, responder sus preguntas cada vez que surjan y tener su interés por delante del de cualquier otra persona. Tener un agente con el respaldo de una marca reconocida a nivel mundial lo coloca en una ventaja. Como agente de SIR, tengo herramientas de primer nivel que utilizo para su beneficio. Si está listo para poner su casa en el mercado, ¡permítame ayudarlo con ese proceso y vender su casa juntos! ¡Llama a Hugo hoy! ¡Cuéntame un poco sobre tu hogar actual! Nombre de pila Apellido Dirección de correo electrónico Número de teléfono Dirección completa Dormitorios Totales Pisos Historia de la casa Comodidades Almacenamiento Lavadora secadora Luz natural Cuarto de lavado Techos altos Entregar Gracias por enviar, me pondré en contacto pronto!

  • Home - Coming Soon! | Hugo A. Castaneda

    Hugo A. Piñón / Realtor® ¡Muy pronto! Hugo A. Piñón | DRE# 02210169 Costa central de Sotheby's International Realty hugo 805.668.4399 ¡Contacta con Hugo!

  • Contact | Hugo A. Castaneda

    CONTACT First Name Last Name Email Message Send Thanks for submitting! Contact Information Corporate 734 Main Street, Cambria, CA 93428 Satellite 1125 E Clark Ave Orcutt, CA 93455 Mailing P.O. Box 184 Pismo Beach, CA 93448 office (805) 927-1200 direct (805) 668-4399

  • About Hugo A. Pinon

    Hugo A. Castaneda REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL SEND MESSAGE Local Expert. Global Connections. Hugo is a native to the Central Coast. Having grown-up and worked in San Luis Obispo County, Hugo has a true passion for the central coast lifestyle, enjoying everything from our sandy beaches to adventurous hiking trails. Hugo is a member of Central Coast Sotheby's International Realty. Having a proven track record for premier luxury service, professionalism, and expertise; Hugo is proud to be working with the Central Coast Sotheby's International Realty group. Hugo’s biggest objective is to ensure every client receives a luxury service while being met with professionalism, benevolence and integrity. He is certified by the Residential Real Estate Council in luxury homes sales and maintains a membership with the Association of Realtors as dedicate real estate professional. ​ Hugo’s has been involved in several different industries. He is the owner of HBCC Digital Solutions, a digital marketing agency focused on aiding mental healthcare providers. In addition, he founded Council on Adolescent Mental Health, Inc., a behavioral health nonprofit agency focused on aiding the youth mental health crisis on the central coast. He served as the executive director before accepting a position at South County Chambers of Commerce as the chamber's membership manager. While working at South County Chambers, Hugo studied for his real estate license at Santa Barbara City College and obtained his license in early 2023. In addition, he was responsible for the pilot of student business services internships structured for high school students in partnership with the San Luis Obispo County Office of Education. Shortly after, he was tasked with leading county workforce development efforts. After his departure from the chamber of commerce, Hugo joined MCSC's Women's Business Center in San Luis Obispo. There, he was responsible for all of the Spanish Language programming for both San Luis Obispo and Monterey Counties. Looking to aid those in need of employment in a social services format, Hugo shifted his efforts to career services and accepted a position at Eckerd Connects. He teaches career readiness, financial literacy and job preparation. Hugo dedicates his time to real estate and serving his clients to the best of his ability. He takes time to seek the strategic guidance of his peers in the profession, always growing his learning to better serve his clients. ​ Hugo is dedicated to his community and strives to promote volunteerism. He serves as the Chairman of the Board of Directors for Council on Adolescent Mental Health Corporation, a Committee Member for Fashions For A Purpose 2023 (A subsidiary of The Mary Kay Foundation), and a Committee Member for the South County Chambers of Commerce. He also servers as a Board Member for the County of San Luis Obispo Behavioral Health Board (a division of the County Health Department). He is committed to the success of his clients and is confident his extensive background in the business services industry will provide his clients with the proper guidance they need. ​ CONTACT d. 805.668.4399 o. 805.927.1200 LANGUAGES English and Spanish OFFICE Central Coast Sotheby's International Realty 734 Main Street, Suite C Cambria, CA 93428 TOOLS Property search tool Download my app R E S I D E EDUCATION Human Resources Management - Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, AZ Business Administration - Allan Hancock College, Santa Maria, CA Real Estate - Santa Barbara City College, Santa Barbara, CA IDENTIFICATION DRE 02210169 NMLS 2464869 Licensed by the California Department of Real Estate. Areas of Speciality 01. Luxury Residential 02. Seniors (55+) 03. Rental Properties Second Home 04. First-Time Buyers & Recent College Grads 05. Spanish Speakers Servicios en español

  • About Hugo A. Pinon

    Hugo A. Pinon REAL ESTATE PROFESSIONAL DRE 02210169 | NMLS 2464869 SEND MESSAGE Local Expert. Global Connections. Hugo is a native to the Central Coast. Having grown-up and worked in San Luis Obispo County, Hugo has a true passion for the central coast lifestyle, enjoying everything from our sandy beaches to adventurous hiking trails. Hugo is a member of Central Coast Sotheby's International Realty. Having a proven track record for premier luxury service, professionalism, and expertise; Hugo is proud to be working with the Central Coast Sotheby's International Realty group. Hugo’s biggest objective is to ensure every client receives a luxury service while being met with professionalism, benevolence and integrity. He is certified by the Residential Real Estate Council in luxury homes sales and maintains a membership with the Association of Realtors as dedicate real estate professional. ​ Hugo’s has been involved in several different industries. He is the owner of HBCC Digital Solutions, a digital marketing agency focused on aiding mental healthcare providers. In addition, he founded Council on Adolescent Mental Health, Inc., a behavioral health nonprofit agency focused on aiding the youth mental health crisis on the central coast. He served as the executive director before accepting a position at South County Chambers of Commerce as the chamber's membership manager. While working at South County Chambers, Hugo studied for his real estate license at Santa Barbara City College and obtained his license in early 2023. In addition, he was responsible for the pilot of student business services internships structured for high school students in partnership with the San Luis Obispo County Office of Education. Shortly after, he was tasked with leading county workforce development efforts. After his departure from the chamber of commerce, Hugo joined MCSC's Women's Business Center in San Luis Obispo. There, he was responsible for all of the Spanish Language programming for both San Luis Obispo and Monterey Counties. Looking to aid those in need of employment in a social services format, Hugo shifted his efforts to career services and accepted a position at Eckerd Connects. He teaches career readiness, financial literacy and job preparation. Hugo dedicates his time to real estate and serving his clients to the best of his ability. He takes time to seek the strategic guidance of his peers in the profession, always growing his learning to better serve his clients. ​ Hugo is dedicated to his community and strives to promote volunteerism. He serves as the Chairman of the Board of Directors for Council on Adolescent Mental Health Corporation, a Committee Member for Fashions For A Purpose 2023 (A subsidiary of The Mary Kay Foundation), and a Committee Member for the South County Chambers of Commerce. He also servers as a Board Member for the County of San Luis Obispo Behavioral Health Board (a division of the County Health Department). He is committed to the success of his clients and is confident his extensive background in the business services industry will provide his clients with the proper guidance they need. ​ CONTACT cell 805.668.4399 office +1 805.927.1200 email LANGUAGES English and Spanish OFFICE Central Coast Sotheby's International Realty 734 Main Street, Suite C Cambria, CA 93428 TOOLS Property search tool Download my app R E S I D E CREDENTIALING & EDUCATION Real Estate Sales License, California Department of Real Estate Human Resources Management - Grand Canyon University, Phoenix, AZ Business Administration - Allan Hancock College, Santa Maria, CA Real Estate - Santa Barbara City College, Santa Barbara, CA Areas of Speciality 01. Luxury Residential 02. Seniors (55+) 03. Rental Properties Second Home 04. First-Time Buyers & Recent College Grads 05. Spanish Speakers Servicios en español Let's Get Connect!


    Property Management As a licensed real estate in the State of California, I'm authorized to provide property management services. My services are provided as an authorized agent of the of Central Coast Sotheby's International Realty, a California Real Estate Brokerage. At this time, I only provide property management services in Santa Maria, Orcutt, Nipomo, and Arroyo Grande, California. Our office also currently provides services in Cambria, CA Screening Process Screens tenants by puling a credit, criminal, and eviction reports. Application Process This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to edit the content and make sure to add any relevant information that you want to share with your visitors. Service Name This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to edit the content and make sure to add any relevant information that you want to share with your visitors. Advertising Coordinate professional photography and listing the property on various sites. Inspections This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to edit the content and make sure to add any relevant information that you want to share with your visitors. Service Name This is a Paragraph. Click on "Edit Text" or double click on the text box to edit the content and make sure to add any relevant information that you want to share with your visitors. Clients

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